The Marsh
A peaceful retreat
Cameron Marsh is a vast wetland ecosystem located in the heart of Cameron Parish, Louisiana. This area is home to an abundance of wildlife and plant species that thrive in the unique mix of freshwater and saltwater that is expertly managed at The Lodge at Cameron Meadows. The marsh's wetlands provide a vital habitat for migratory and resident birds, fish, and other species, making it a prime spot for conservationists.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the Cameron Marsh ecosystem is its incredible bird life. More than 200 bird species can be found in the area, including species like the spoonbill, great blue heron, and white-faced ibis. The marsh also attracts an abundance of Mallard, Green & Blue-winged Teal, Pintail, Northern Shoveler, and Gadwall. Throughout the year, songbirds, raptors, and shorebirds speckle the marsh as well.
The marsh's wetlands are home to dozens of species of freshwater and saltwater fish, including redfish, catfish, bream, and bass. Shrimp, crabs, and crawfish also thrive in the marsh's brackish water areas, providing a crucial source of food for the area's other inhabitants. Additionally, species like nutria, muskrat, otter, and alligator are found in abundance in the marsh.
Management and Hunting
The wildlife in and around Cameron Marsh make it a one-of-a-kind property, but another truly remarkable aspect of this beautiful land is its unique and sustainable management system.
Water control structures have been specifically designed to control how much water is in the marsh. This helps with the diversity of bird species and wildlife present and can also assist in regulation of the breeding of alligators and number of eggs harvested each year.
Salinity meters on the property help regulate the salinity of the marsh. Keeping a close eye on the salt-to-fresh water ratio ensures the balance that keeps grasses, aquatic life, and birds thriving in the area.
Hunting on the property has been by invitation only and has been closely monitored. This practice has provides sanctuary for many of the bird species that spend more of their time on this property due to the lack of pressure from hunting.
One hundred eighty-three tags are allotted each year for Alligator hunting. An average of 6,000-8000 alligator eggs a year are harvested and sold to a nursery. They in turn bring back a portion of the small gators for release on the property.
The ecological importance of a property like Cameron Meadows is virtually unmatched. The wildlife as well as coastal protection is vitally important for humans and wildlife alike.